Alhamdulillah ala kuli hal. Så är det och nu är jag såå glad och nöjd över min beslut som ledde mig där jag är idag. Allt är skrivet och det var menat att vara så. Alhamdulillah nu vill jag fokusera på succes framgång i aspekter av pengar , religion, utbildning och mina nära. Jag vill också fokusera på att ha fin hus och bra hälsa gör mig är skönhet absolut viktigaste. Broo broo brooo whattge was i thinking?? What was i thinking !!??? Brooooooo hello broo im so done im sooo tired of thinking hoping stressing over a ni** hello broo you did the right choice before and now move on there is nooothing nothing to look back for. Hello you knew yiu felt it and yiur intuition did not lie to you broooo. You are so over that sraooy shit. Broo some people are nothing for yiu leave that for itself . What was confusing is that you thought yiu gad connection and your dreams specially!!! I mean destiny did want sometjing with that it was qadr to only show me something i did not figure it out yet. To be fully honest i feel like that soul is related to me its close to me I can feel that soul and i feel some kind of magbetic field to that soul but brooo that soul left you alone that soul did not want to build a connection that soul did bot want anything to do with yku accelt your flesh !!! That what yiu saw woth the actions so broooo move on and stop it you dont want to be treated so bad and left qnd unhappy wasting time on somebody to who you are nothing. F that !!! Alhamdulillah you are alive you are haooy that dreans are soo annoying so irritating it is ooverrrrrr. Now focus work hard and focus on fanily and health and islam litteraly. Kisses hugs loveeee allah akbar